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Cancel the Debt! Demanding Debt, Economic, and Climate Justice!
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  • Los paises ricos...
  • Nous avons besoin...
  • Cancel the debt!
  • We need a systemic change...
  • Deuda ilegitima...
  • Tolak hutang baru
  • Cancel the Debt
  • Drop the Debt Monster
  • Cancel all illegitimate debts
  • No to Anti-People Debt Solutions!

    Open Letter to All Governments, International Institutions and Lenders

    COVID19 has turned our world upside down.

    The Covid19 pandemic has severely impacted on the health, safety and survival of hundreds of millions of people. Communities worldwide are being pushed deeper into poverty, precarious existence and inequality – with the massive loss of paid and self-employment and livelihoods and further limiting of access to food, water and sanitation, adequate housing, education, health service and other basic needs. It is estimated that 500 million more people could be pushed into poverty as a result of the pandemic and the economic downturn that it has exceedingly exacerbated. In all the regions of the world, violence against women, girls and LGTBI+ people has escalated in number and severity.

    This is an unprecedented moment of intense multiple crises with Covid-19, the global economic recession, the care crisis and the escalating climate and ecological emergency. Despite the urgency and scale of human suffering, governments and the international community are failing to move into emergency mode for people and communities.

    These conditions shine a strong light on the continuing debt problem that stands in the way of people’s survival, the fight against inequality, the realization of their human rights, sovereignty and the self-determination of peoples, economic, gender and ecological justice, and the pursuit of a dignified life.

    Over $300 billion is being spent annually by the global south for Public External Debt payments to bilateral and multilateral lenders such as the World Bank and IMF, private banks, speculators and investors in government bonds and securities. The debt problem is compounded by illicit financial flows also in the billions of dollars. This is money that is vitally needed for public investment on vital healthcare to fight Covid-19, economic and structural assistance to affected, vulnerable and marginalized individuals, families and communities, and building economies towards more just, equitable, climate resilient and sustainable systems.

    Given the urgency and severity of the crisis we face, the responses to the debt problem have been severely insufficient in the best case, and in many occasions counterproductive.

    The IMF announced a Covid-19 debt relief package in April 2020 and said it will use $500 million to cover several months of debt payments being made to the IMF by 28 countries. The IMF says it eventually aims to cover two years’ worth of payments, but this would depend on whether it receives additional pledges from member governments for its Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT). In fact, the IMF did not write off its claims. The contributions of several rich countries to CCRT were used to repay IMF claims from these 28 countries.

    In the same month, G20 governments introduced the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) - not a cancelation but merely an eight-month delay of up to $12 billion worth of payments for public debts, and only 73 countries were considered eligible. Of this, just $5.3 billion of bilateral debt has actually been suspended to 43 countries, all of which is now due to be paid between 2022 and 2024.

    Private lenders have so far refused to cancel or suspend any of the debt they claim. Similarly, multilateral development banks, such as the World Bank, have also failed to cancel debt.

    Meantime, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank are making available a combined total of $205.5 billion of loans for Covid-19 response measures. The IMF has approved more than $88 billion in emergency loans in the last 6 months to 81 countries. It is a travesty of justice that countries in the Global South will end up with even more debts in the face of the multiple crises.

    The staggering problem of debt is beyond the bleeding of public coffers in the face of great need and vulnerabilities.

    Much of this debt is illegitimate, lent irresponsibly and unfairly, driven by predatory lending, used to finance harmful projects and policies, failing to comply with legal and democratic requirements, saddled with onerous and unjust terms, incurred by private corporations but assumed by governments or incurred through public guarantees of private profits, wasted or stolen.

    Policy conditions attached to loans, including cuts in public services and social protection, privatization and severe austerity programs, have also caused as great if not greater harm than debt servicing, especially on women and girls, indigenous peoples and most impoverished and vulnerable people and communities. These conditions have exacerbated social conflict, criminalization of poverty, and militarization and repression.

    Moreover, debt and the " indebtedness"of countries of the South is both a consequence and a tool for domination - subverting the ability of countries and peoples to shape their own economic programs and undermining sovereign institutions and democratic processes.

    All these are in stark contrast to the fact that peoples of countries in the Global South have paid for the debts incurred in their name so many times over - with their money, their livelihoods, their safety, well-being, their lives, and the health of the planet. And all these in contrast to the much greater social, historical and ecological debt owed to the people of the South through centuries of colonial and post-colonial plunder and extraction of their natural resources and exploitation of their labor, including women’s unpaid domestic and care work.

    We demand for much more than "debt relief," we demand debt justice.

    We call on world leaders, national governments, financial institutions, public and private, to take urgent, just, ambitious action, in compliance of their obligations and responsibilities and commit to the following:

    1. Unconditional cancellation of public external debt payments by all lenders - bilateral, multilateral and private lenders - for all countries in need for at least the next four years as an immediate step and a clear program towards the unconditional cancellation of outstanding debt; In addition, borrowing governments have it within their power to stop making debt payments but they should not suffer any form of penalties for doing so;

    2. Use of resources freed from debt to address immediate needs for vital and universal healthcare, social protection, and other essential services and rights, secure the safety and well being of people and communities, provide economic and structural assistance to affected, vulnerable and marginalized individuals, families and communities, undertake urgent climate action, and build economies that are equitable, uphold human rights, promote gender, race and ecological justice, are climate resilient and compatible with the health of the planet

    3. National debt audits - both government audits and independent citizens' audits - that will critically examine the nature, purpose, terms and conditions, actual use of loans, and the impacts of loan-supported policies and programs, and thorough-going review and changes in lending, borrowing and payment policies to prevent the re-accumulation of unsustainable and illegitimate debt

    4. A fair, transparent, binding and multilateral framework for debt crisis resolution (under the auspices of the UN and not in lender-dominated arenas) that addresses unsustainable and illegitimate debt;

    5. Thorough-going national and global review and changes in lending, borrowing and payment policies and practices aimed at preventing the re-accumulation of unsustainable and illegitimate debt, strengthening democratic institutions and processes, and upholding human rights and peoples' self determination

    6. Recognition and application of the primacy of human rights and the corresponding obligations of the States, the international community and private actors, including the extraterritorial responsibility of each State for the impacts of the action or omission of companies, speculators and investors under its jurisdiction.

    7. Reparations for the damages caused to countries, peoples and nature, due to the contracting, use and payment of unsustainable and illegitimate debts and the conditions imposed to guarantee their collection.

    We seek the decisive and full solution to the debt problem as part of the profound transformation of economic and financial systems that the present crises so urgently demand.


    Regional / Global

    • ActionAid International
    • Action for Sustainable Development
    • Africa Platform for Social Protection
    • African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD)
    • African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)
    • AfroLeadership
    • ALTSEAN-Burma
    • American TelePhysicians
    • Arab Watch Regional Coalition for Just Development (Arab Watch Coalition)
    • ASEAN SOGIE Caucus
    • Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF)
    • Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD)
    • Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
    • Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
    • Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación
    • Center for International Environmental Law
    • Circle of Collaborative Communities
    • CMLK Caribbean
    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM)
    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM Africa)
    • Comité para la Abolición de las Deuda Ilegítimas ( CADTM - Abya Yala / Nuestra América)
    • Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd America Latina
    • Corporate Accountability
    • Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
    • European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)
    • FIAN International
    • Fight Inequality Alliance (FIA)
    • Fight Inequality South Asia
    • Focus on the Global South
    • FOKUS-Forum for Women and Development
    • Friends of the Earth - Asia Pacific
    • Fuerza Mundial Continuum
    • Gender and Development Network
    • GenderCC Southern Africa
    • Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)
    • Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (GAAM)
    • Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
    • Global Forest Coalition
    • Global Policy Forum
    • Global Young Greens
    • Global Health Youth Foundation
    • Gray Panthers
    • Health Poverty Action
    • Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)
    • International Federation on Ageing
    • International Women’s Health Coalition
    • International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA)
    • International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)
    • Jubileo Sur Américas
    • LDC Watch
    • Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
    • NGO Forum on ADB
    • North African Food Sovereignty Network (NAFSN)
    • Oil Change International (OCI)
    • Oxfam International
    • Pacific Climate Warriors
    • Pacific Islands Climate Action Network
    • Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network
    • Project Survival Pacific
    • Powershift Africa
    • Red de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales LAC (RedTraSex)
    • Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social (LATINDADD)
    • Regions Refocus
    • Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
    • Stakeholder Group on Ageing
    • Silambam Asia
    • Society for International Development (SID)
    • South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
    • South Asia Food Sovereignty Network
    • South Asia Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance
    • Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)
    • Stichting Global Alliance for LGBT Education (GALE)
    • The African Women's Network for Community management of Forests (REFACOF)
    • Third World Network
    • Transnational Institute (TNI)
    • Tripla Difesa Onlus
    • United Methodist Church--General Board of Church and Society
    • United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth
    • VIVAT International
    • Water Justice and Gender
    • Womankind Worldwide
    • Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
    • Women's Major Group
    • WoMin African Alliance
    • World Silambam Association (WSA)
    • World Yoga Association
    • Youth For Tax Justice Network
    • 350 América Latina


    • Sanayee Development Organization (SDO)


    • Associação de Apoio a Jovem Mulher da Huíla
    • Bloco Democratico
    • S.O.S.- Criança e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola


    • Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Premio Nobel de La Paz
    • Amigos de la Tierra Argentina
    • Asamblea NO A LA MINA de Esquel
    • Asociación Civil Florentina
    • Asociación Lola Mora
    • Asociacion Personal Organismos Control - APOC
    • ATTAC - Argentina
    • Autoconvocatoria por la Suspensión del Pago e Investigación de la Deuda
    • Central de Trabajadores de la Argentina Autónoma
    • Centro de Estudios Alejandro Olmos - Santa Fe
    • Centro de Estudios Humanistas de Córdoba
    • Democracia Socialista
    • Diálogo 2000 - Jubileo Sur Argentina
    • Ecología, Cultura y Educación desde los Pueblos del Sur (ECOSUR)
    • Ecosur Sede Patagonia Norte
    • Foro de Mujeres del Mercosur Sede Córdoba
    • Foro por los Derechos Reproductivos
    • Fruto de Robles
    • Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
    • Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad
    • Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM)
    • Fundación por Una Sociedad Empoderada
    • Fundación Siglo XXI
    • Ganar la Calle
    • Ges Asociacion Civil
    • Internacional Progresista
    • Inti Mena
    • Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora
    • Mercedes Justo - Afiliada a ATE - CTA Autónoma y Unidad Popular CABA
    • Mujeres de Arte Tomar
    • Multisectorial 21F Comuna 4
    • No Pertenezco a Ninguna
    • Organización Revolucionaria Guevaristas
    • Observatorio de la Riquea Padre Arrupe
    • Partido de la Liberación PL
    • Partido Socialista Auténtico Federación Corrientes
    • Programa de extensión "Por una nueva economía, humana y sustentable" Comunicación Social - REDI Red por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad
    • Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina


    • ActionAid Australia
    • Aid/Watch
    • Australian Fair Trade and investment Network
    • Cheri Huggins
    • Jubilee Australia
    • Pax Christi Australia


    • Klub Rosa Amalie
    • WIDE - Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development


    • Center Women and Modern World


    • Aid Organization (AO)
    • Awaj Foundation
    • Bangladesh Bacolight Shramik Federation
    • Bangladesh Kishani Sabha
    • Bangladesh Adivasi Samity
    • Bangladesh Bhumiheen Samity
    • Bangladesh Bhasaman Shramik Union
    • Bangladesh Bhasaman Nari Shramik
    • Bangladesh Jatra Sabha
    • Bangladesh Jatyo Shramik Federation
    • Bangladesh Krishok Federation
    • Bangladesh Migrant Workers Forum
    • Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (BNSK/Bangladeshi Women Workers Association)
    • Bangladesh Rural Intellectuals' Front
    • Bangladesh Sangjukto Shramik Federation
    • Bangladesh Shramik Federation
    • Bangladesh Working Group on External Debt (BWGED)
    • Charbangla Bittoheen Samobay Samity
    • CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network)
    • Emarat Nirman Shramik Bangladesh
    • Equity and Justice Working Group (EquityBd)
    • Ganochhaya Sanskritic Kendra
    • Initiative for Right View
    • Jago Bangladesh. Garment Workers' Federation
    • Life and Nature Safeguard Platform (LNSP)
    • Migration News
    • Motherland Garment Workers' Federation
    • Ready Made Garment Workers' Federation
    • Tripla Difesa Onlus International No Violence -Bangladesh
    • WARBE Development Foundation


    • Entraide et Fraternite
    • Kairos Europe - Wallonie-Bruxelles
    • 11.11.11
    • CADTM


    • Amis de l'Afrique Francophone (AMAF-Benin)


    • Fundación Interamericana del Corazón (FIC-Bolivia)
    • Plataforma por los Derechos Humanos Santa Cruz Bolivia


    • Success Capital Organisation


    • Centro Dandara de Promotoras Legais Populares
    • Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental (FMCJS)
    • Gestos (soropositividade, comunicação, gênero)
    • Institute for Social and Economics Studies- INESC
    • Instituto Maíra
    • Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul (Instituto Pacs)
    • Pastoral Operária Nacional
    • Rede Feminista de Saude, Direitos Sexuais e Direitos Reprodutivos
    • Rede Jubileu Sul Brasil
    • Serviço Franciscano De Solidariedade (SEFRAS)
    • SOS Amazonia Fridays For Future


    • International Youth Alliance


    • Civic Initiative for Environment and Sustainable Development


    • Ecofeminism Movement


    • Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN)
    • Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)
    • Association de femmes Elat-Meyong
    • Association Actions Vitales pour le Développement Durable [AVD]
    • Cadire Cameroon Association


    • Grandmothers Advocacy Network
    • KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
    • ReFocus Consulting


    • Organisation Tchadienne Anti-Corruption (OTAC)


    • Alianza Colombiana por la Salud Alimentaria
    • Asociación Colombiana de Economistas Negras- Asoman Cambiada
    • Asociación Colombiana de Educación al Consumidor
    • Asociación Colombiana de Salud Pública
    • Corporación de Educación de investigación Intercultural para los Pueblos (CEIP)
    • Enda Colombia
    • Hortiaroma Chiguata
    • Proceso de Comunidades Negras
    • REPEM Colombia


    • L’initiative de la Société Civile pour les Objectifs du Développement Durable (ISC/ODD-CI)


    • Centro Martin Luther King


    • Česko proti chudobě a nerovnostem (Czechia Against Poverty and Inequality)
    • Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy)


    • Instituto de Desarrollo de la Economía Asociativa (IDEAC)


    • Actions pour la Réinsertion Sociale de la Femme (ARSF)
    • ATK-RDC
    • ATTAC-Congo
    • CADTM - Labumbashi
    • CARITAS Congo
    • Centre D'etudes Et D'initiatives Pour Un Developpement Integral " CEIDEI"
    • Coalition Congolaise Pour La Promotion Des Nouvelles Technologie De L'Information Et De La Communication (CPNTICS)
    • Conseil des Facilita tueurs des Pays des Grands Lacs (CFGL)
    • Construisons Ensemble le Monde
    • Initiatives des Femmes en Situations Difficiles pour le Développement Durable et Intégré (IFESIDDI)


    • Gatef


    • Accion Ecologica
    • Agencia Bolivariana de Prensa (ABP)
    • Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM)
    • Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo
    • Opción Humanista


    • CESTA Amigos de la Tierra
    • Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD)
    • RACDES
    • Servicios Ecumenicos Para Reconciliacion Y Reconstruccion Y SIGLO XXIII


    • Alliance for Future Generations
    • Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality
    • Rainbow Pride Foundation
    • Talanoa Consulting


    • Adéquations
    • Attac France
    • CADTM France
    • Plateforme Française Dette & Développement (PFDD)


    • Worldview The Gambia


    • (Jubilee Germany)
    • Fridays for Future (FFF- Germany)
    • urgewald


    • AbibiNsroma Foundation
    • Apostolic Ministerial International Network
    • Centre for Muslim Youth In Peace And Development
    • Vivian Akori Foundation


    • Debt Free / Advanced Media Organization
    • Hellenic Platform for Development
    • Organization Earth




    • Organisation Guinéenne des Droits et Devoirs du Citoyen - OGDDC
    • Plateforme d'information et d'Action sur la Dette et le Développement (PIADD- Guinée)
    • Plateforme Nationale des Citoyens Unis pour le Développement (PCUD)
    • Réseau National des Acteurs du Développement Durable (RENADE)


    • PAPDA
    • Plataforma Haitiana para un Desarrollo Alternativo
    • RASIN Kàn Pèp La


    • Totalmente en Apoyo a Esta Iniciativa


    • DemNet Hungary
    • Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation
    • National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary


    • All-India Women Hawkers Federation (AIWHF)
    • Association For Promotion Sustainable Development
    • Assumpta Society Maharashtra
    • Citizens Forum for Mangalore Development
    • Collective for Economic Justice
    • Emigrants Welfare Forum (EWF)
    • Environics Trust
    • Forum for Justice and Peace
    • Foundation for Sustainable Development and Climate Action
    • Fridays For Future, India
    • Growthwatch
    • Himalaya Niti Abhiyan (HNA)
    • Holy Spirit Foundation Trust
    • Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)
    • Indian Women Theologians' Forum
    • Jeevandhara Ashram
    • Karavali Karnataka Janabhivridhi Vedike
    • Migrant Forum
    • mines,minerals & PEOPLE (mm&P)
    • Missionaries of Christ Jesus
    • Nadi Ghati Morcha
    • National Domestic Workers Movement
    • National Hawkers Federation (NHF)
    • People for Himalayan Development
    • Prantajan
    • Pravasi Mithra Labour Union (PMLU)
    • Progressive Plantation Workers Union (PPWU)
    • Samsya Kya Hai
    • Tamilnadu Domestic Workers Welfare Trust
    • Tripla Difesa Onlus International No Violence -India
    • Van Adhikar evam Vikas Sangthan
    • Vindhya Hawkers Union


    • Aksi for Gender, Social and Ecological Justice (AKSI!)
    • Alghifari Law Office and Research
    • debtWATCH Indonesia
    • Encep Sopian (Sapar)
    • H.doif
    • Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ)
    • Indowater Cop
    • Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
    • Koalisi Rakyat Untuk Hak Atas Air (KRuHA) / People’s Coalition to the Right to Water
    • Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra
    • Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane
    • Perkumpulan Inisiatif
    • Persatuan Perjuangan Nelayan (PPN)
    • Perhimpunan Hanjuang Mahardika Nusantara (PHMN)
    • Sawit Watch
    • Serikat Nelayan Indonesia (SNI-Indonesia Fisherfolk Union)
    • Serikat Perempuan Sunggal (SPS)
    • Solidaritas Perempuan (Women's Solidarity for Human Rights)
    • Suluh Muda Indonesia - North Sumatra
    • Trend Asia
    • Women Solidarity
    • Yayasan Bintang Gana, Bali
    • Yayasan Perlindungan Insani Indonesia
    • Yayasan Satu Keadilan


    • @gayofiraq


    • Centre for Global Education
    • Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin


    • Effe Rivista Femminista
    • Federation Italian Catholic Organisations for International Volunteering Service ( FOCSIV)
    • GCAP Italy
    • LINK 2007
    • Tripla Difesa Onlus international no violence -Italy


    • Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Dazaifu )
    • Friends of the Earth (FOE-Japan)
    • Japan


    • North Star NGO


    • Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center
    • Emonyo Yefwe International
    • Forum for Women in Development, Democracy and Justice
    • Haki Jamii Rights Centre
    • Kenya Environmental Activists Network (KEAN)


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Lebanon)
    • Friends of the Disabled Association
    • National Union on Intellectual Disability


    • Policy Analysis And Research Institute of Lesotho


    • Center for Peace Building and Democracy in Liberia
    • National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL)


    • Liberty 32


    • Charles Santiago, MP
    • Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization
    • Sahabat Alam Malaysia - Friends of the Earth Malaysia


    • Actionaid Malawi


    • CAD MALI
    • Coalition Malienne Gouvernance Inclusive et Développement Durable (CMGIDD)
    • Association des Jeunes pour le Développement des Communes (AJDC-Mali)


    • Dinamismo Juvenil A.C
    • Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A.C (MEXFAM)
    • La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental (LAVIDA - México)
    • Ninguna
    • Otros Mundos AC/Chiapas


    • Mongolian Institute of Sustainable Development Strategy
    • Oyu Tolgoi Watch


    • Centro para Democracia e Desenvolvimento
    • Fórum de Monitoria do Orcamento (FMO)
    • Center For Public Integrity


    • Change Maker
    • Justice for All Law Firm
    • Myanmar Human Rights Alliances Network (MHRAN)


    • Friday’s For Future Windhoek


    • All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPFa)
    • Alliance of Foreign Aid Network , Nepal
    • ANWA
    • Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC) Nepal
    • Campaign for Climate Justice Network, Nepal (CCJN)
    • Digo Bikas Institute
    • Fight Inequality Nepal
    • Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Network, Nepal
    • Human Rights Alliance Nepal
    • Jagaran nepal
    • Krishna M. Gautam
    • National Alliance for Human Rights And Social Justice Nepal
    • National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal
    • Nepal Agriculture Labour Organization
    • Nepal Dalit and Landless Peasants' Association
    • Nepal Development Initiation
    • Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)
    • Nepal Youth Peasants Organization
    • NGO Federation of Nepal
    • Power Shift Nepal
    • Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee
    • Right to Food National Network, Nepal
    • Rural Area Development Programme (RADP)
    • Rural Reconstruction Nepal
    • Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance-Nepal
    • Women Empowerment Against Poverty of Nepal (WEAPoN)
    • Women Network for Energy and Environment
    • Women Peasants' Association, Nepal
    • Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC)


    • Wemos
    • Recourse


    • Asociación para el Desarrollo Inti Pachamama
    • Cedecam/Latindadd
    • Centro de los Derechos del Campesino
    • Intipachamama
    • Red Nicaragüense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC)


    • CCOAD
    • Réseau des Organisations du Secteur Educatif du Niger (ROSEN)


    • Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust -Nigeria
    • Africa Youth Empowerment in Agriculture and Industrial Development Initiatives
    • Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research
    • Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change
    • Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre
    • Community Emergency Response Initiative (CERI)
    • Noble Delta Women for Peace and Development
    • Murna Foundation


    • Changemaker
    • Debt Justice Norway
    • Norwegian Church Aid
    • Y Global


    • Aurat Foundation - Karachi
    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM-Pakistan)
    • Haqooq Khalq Movement (Peoples Rights Movement) Pakistan
    • Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Media Freedom Forum
    • Institute for Social and Economic Justice
    • National Trade union Federation
    • Pakistan Development Alliance
    • Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)
    • Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee
    • Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization
    • Social Uplift of Nowshera -Pakistan


    • Al-Haq
    • Youth Vision Society


    • Centro de la Mujer Panameña (CEMP)
    • Colectivo Voces Ecológicas (COVEC)
    • Red de Mujeres Afrodescendientes de Panamá (REMAP)
    • Poder Ciudadano Panama


    • Cedro
    • Chirapaq, Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú
    • Defensora del agua y la Mamapacha, Cajamarca
    • Juntas Vecinales, Cajamarca
    • Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres Macro Norte Perú
    • Red de Economía Solidaria de la Macro Región Nor Oriental ( RESNOR)
    • Red Internacional de Estudiantes por la Paz
    • Red Regional Agua, Desarrollo y Democracia
    • Zero Hour Peru


    • Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM)
    • Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines. for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission (AMRSP-JPICC)
    • Council for People's Development and Governance (CPDG)
    • Association of Transgender People in the Philippines (ATP)
    • Bohol Association of Non-Government Organizations, Inc. (BANGON)
    • Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc
    • Bukluran Students' Alliance- Integrated Students' Organization
    • Cebuano Youth Ambassadors Inc (Gaynitiative.Ph)
    • Eastern Visayas Network of NGOs and POs
    • Ecological Justice Interfaith Movement (ECOJIM)
    • Fellowship for the Care of Creation Association Inc. (FCCAI)
    • Franciscans Solidarity Movement for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (FSM - JPIC)
    • Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)
    • Freedom from Debt Coalition-Southern Mindanao
    • Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM -Pilipinas)
    • Gitib, Inc.
    • Iloilo Pride Team
    • Kabataan San Sidlangan, Inc.
    • Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE)
    • Kanlungan Center Foundation Inc.
    • Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya (KILUSAN)
    • Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-FoE Philippines
    • Makabayan Pilipinas
    • Mandiga Community Center INC. (MCCI)
    • Medical Action Group, Inc.
    • Mujer-LGBT Organization, Inc.
    • Order of Friars Minor for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (OFM- JPIC)
    • Oriang Women's Movement
    • Oriang Women’s Movement - Tacloban
    • Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan (Kaisa Ka)
    • Partnership Mission for People's Initiatives/PMPI (former Phil. Misereor Partnership Inc.)
    • Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)
    • Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ)
    • Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)
    • Samahan ng Progresibong Kabataan
    • Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP)
    • Stewards and Volunteers for the Earth (SAVE Philippines!)
    • Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)
    • TFHI, Inc
    • Unlad Kabayan Migrant Services Fdn.
    • Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP)
    • Youth Against Debt - Eastern Visayas Chapter
    • Youth for Climate Justice (Y4CJ)
    • Youth Voices Count, Inc.
    • Weform
    • WomanHealth Philippines
    • Women's Development Center (WDC)
    • Pilipinas


    • Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO)


    • Oikos - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento
    • Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD


    • Comuna Caribe


    • Gender-Centru


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Romania)


    • Friends of the Siberian Forests


    • GCAP Rwanda Coalition


    • Samoa Family Health Association


    • GRAP Senegal
    • ONG HELP AFRIQUE: Horizon d'Échange et de Lutte contre la Pauvreté en Afrique
    • OXFAM Sénéga


    • EnaBanda Association
    • Društvo Bodi svetloba
    • Povod Institute for Culture and Development of International Relations in Culture


    • Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC)
    • groundWork, Friends of the Earth, South Africa
    • Division for Lifelong Learning Department - University of West Cape


    • Asociación Por Ti Mujer
    • Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda en Sanidad (Audita Sanidad)
    • Cooperativa La Fabrica Catalunya (Peninsula Iberica)
    • Coordinadora de ONG para el Desarrollo España
    • ELA (Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna/Basque Workers Solidarity)
    • Medicusmundi
    • Observatori del deute en la Globalització (ODG Catalonia)
    • Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda
    • SOLdePAZ.Pachakuti, Asturies
    • Solidaridad Internacional, Andalucía


    • Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ)
    • Free Trade Union Development Center - Sri Lanka
    • Nalini Ratnarajah
    • Sri Lanka UN Friendship Organisation (SUNFO)
    • Sustainable Development Goals Women's Platform of Sri Lanka (SDGWFSL)
    • Women Development Innovators


    • Swiss Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign (KEESA)


    • ActionAid Tanzania


    • BUKU Thailand
    • Climate Watch Thailand (CWT)


    • Amis des Étrangers au Togo (ADET)


    • Tonga Leitis Association


    • Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago


    • Al Warcha Mediatic for Economic and Social Rights
    • Association Citoyenneté et Developpement Durable
    • Association Jeunes Actifs et Positifs
    • Cartographie Citoyenne


    • Red Pepper Association


    • Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust -Uganda
    • Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO)
    • Centre for citizens Conserving (CECIC)
    • Hesawa Foundation (HEFO)
    • Queer Youth Uganda
    • Regional Center for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC)
    • SEATINI-Uganda
    • Sugur Development Agency (SUDA)
    • Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
    • Uganda Debt Network


    • AGENS


    • Church Action for Tax Justice
    • Commission for a Gender Equal Economy
    • Divest Strathclyde Scotland
    • Fresh Eyes
    • Glasgow Calls Out Polluters
    • Global Justice Manchester
    • Global Justice Now
    • Heartpolitics
    • Jubilee Debt Campaign
    • Jubilee Debt Campaign, Manchester
    • Jubilee Scotland
    • LiveSimply, Harpenden
    • Social Justice Group, Holy Innocents' Church, Fallowfield, Diocese of Manchester
    • Stamp Out Poverty
    • War on Want


    • ActionAid USA
    • Action Corps
    • Amazon Watch
    • American TelePhysicians
    • Blue Ridge Impact Consulting
    • FracTracker Alliance
    • Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
    • Rocky Mountain Public Banking Institute
    • Servicios Ecumenicos para Reconciliacion y Reconstrucction (SERR)
    • Sierra Club
    • Sisters of Charity Federation
    • Small Planet Institute


    • Coalición de Tendencias Clasistas (CTC-VZLA)
    • MPI


    • ActionAid Zambia
    • Civil Society SDGs Campaign/GCAP Zambia
    • Oxfam Zambia
    • Planned Governance Network
    • Senior Citizens Association of Zambia


    • Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development

    Regional / Global

    • ActionAid International

    • Action for Sustainable Development

    • Africa Platform for Social Protection

    • African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD)

    • African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET)

    • AfroLeadership

    • ALTSEAN-Burma

    • American TelePhysicians

    • Arab Watch Regional Coalition for Just Development (Arab Watch Coalition)

    • ASEAN SOGIE Caucus

    • Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF)

    • Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD)

    • Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)

    • Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)

    • Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación

    • Center for International Environmental Law

    • CMLK Caribbean

    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM)

    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM Africa)

    • Comité para la Abolición de las Deuda Ilegítimas ( CADTM - Abya Yala / Nuestra América)

    • Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd America Latina

    • Corporate Accountability

    • Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)

    • European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD)

    • FIAN International

    • Fight Inequality Alliance

    • Fight Inequality South Asia

    • Focus on the Global South

    • Friends of the Earth - Asia Pacific

    • Fuerza Mundial Continuum

    • Gender and Development Network

    • GenderCC Southern Africa

    • Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

    • Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)

    • Global Forest Coalition

    • Global Policy Forum

    • Gray Panthers

    • Health Poverty Action

    • Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)

    • International Federation on Ageing

    • International Women’s Health Coalition

    • International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA)

    • International Women's Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)

    • Jubileo Sur Américas

    • LDC Watch

    • Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)

    • NGO Forum on ADB

    • North African Food Sovereignty Network (NAFSN)

    • Oil Change International (OCI)

    • Oxfam International

    • Pacific Climate Warriors

    • Pacific Islands Climate Action Network

    • Pacific Sexual and Gender Diversity Network

    • Project Survival Pacific

    • Powershift Africa

    • Red de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales LAC (RedTraSex)

    • Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social (LATINDADD)

    • Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary

    • Stakeholder Group on Ageing

    • Silambam Asia

    • Society for International Development (SID)

    • South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)

    • South Asia Food Sovereignty Network

    • South Asia Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance

    • Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI)

    • Stichting Global Alliance for LGBT Education (GALE)

    • The African Women's Network for Community management of Forests (REFACOF)

    • Third World Network

    • Transnational Institute (TNI)

    • Tripla Difesa Onlus

    • United Methodist Church--General Board of Church and Society

    • United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth

    • VIVAT International

    • Water Justice and Gender

    • Womankind Worldwide

    • Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

    • Women's Major Group

    • WoMin African Alliance

    • World Silambam Association (WSA)

    • World Yoga Association

    • Youth For Tax Justice Network


    • 350 América Latina




    • Sanayee Development Organization (SDO) 


    • Associação de Apoio a Jovem Mulher da Huíla

    • Bloco Democratico 

    • S.O.S.- Criança e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola


    • Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Premio Nobel de La Paz

    • Asamblea NO A LA MINA de Esquel

    • Asociación Civil Florentina

    • Asociación Lola Mora

    • Asociacion Personal Organismos Control - APOC

    • ATTAC - Argentina

    • Autoconvocatoria por la Suspensión del Pago e Investigación de la Deuda

    • Centro de Estudios Alejandro Olmos - Santa Fe

    • Centro de Estudios Humanistas de Córdoba

    • Democracia Socialista

    • Diálogo 2000 - Jubileo Sur Argentina

    • Ecología, Cultura y Educación desde los Pueblos del Sur (ECOSUR)

    • Ecosur Sede Patagonia Norte

    • Foro de Mujeres del Mercosur Sede Córdoba

    • Foro por los Derechos Reproductivos

    • Fruto de Robles

    • Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)

    • Fundación Mujeres en Igualdad

    • Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer (FEIM)

    • Fundación por Una Sociedad Empoderada

    • Fundación Siglo XXI

    • Ganar la Calle

    • Ges Asociacion Civil

    • Madres de Plaza de Mayo-Línea Fundadora

    • Mercedes Justo - Afiliada a ATE - CTA Autónoma y Unidad Popular CABA

    • Mujeres de Arte Tomar

    • Multisectorial 21F Comuna 4

    • No Pertenezco a Ninguna

    • Observatorio de la Riquea Padre Arrupe

    • Organización Revolucionaria Guevaristas

    • Partido de la Liberación PL

    • Programa de extensión "Por una nueva economía, humana y sustentable" Comunicación Social - RED!

    • Red por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad

    • Unión de Mujeres de la Argentina


    • ActionAid Australia

    • Aid/Watch

    • Australian Fair Trade and investment Network 

    • Jubilee Australia


    • Klub Rosa Amalie

    • WIDE - Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development


    • Center Women and Modern World


    • Aid Organization (AO)

    • Awaj Foundation 

    • Bangladesh Adivasi Samity

    • Bangladesh Bacolight Shramik Federation

    • Bangladesh Bhasaman Nari Shramik

    • Bangladesh Bhasaman Shramik Union

    • Bangladesh Bhumiheen Samity

    • Bangladesh Jatra Sabha

    • Bangladesh Jatyo Shramik Federation

    • Bangladesh Kishani Sabha

    • Bangladesh Krishok Federation 

    • Bangladesh Migrant Workers Forum

    • Bangladesh Nari Sramik Kendra (BNSK/Bangladeshi Women Workers Association)

    • Bangladesh Rural Intellectuals' Front

    • Bangladesh Sangjukto Shramik Federation

    • Bangladesh Shramik Federation

    • Bangladesh Working Group on External Debt (BWGED)

    • Charbangla Bittoheen Samobay Samity

    • CLEAN (Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network)

    • Emarat Nirman Shramik Bangladesh

    • Equity and Justice Working Group (EquityBd)

    • Ganochhaya Sanskritic Kendra

    • Initiative for Right View 

    • Jago Bangladesh. Garment Workers' Federation

    • Life and Nature Safeguard Platform (LNSP)

    • Migration News

    • Motherland Garment Workers' Federation

    • Ready Made Garment Workers' Federation

    • Tripla Difesa Onlus International No Violence -Bangladesh

    • WARBE Development Foundation


    • CADTM

    • Entraide et Fraternite 

    • Kairos Europe - Wallonie-Bruxelles

    • 11.11.11


    • Amis de l'Afrique Francophone (AMAF-Benin)


    • Fundación Interamericana del Corazón (FIC-Bolivia)

    • Plataforma por los Derechos Humanos Santa Cruz Bolivia


    • Success Capital Organisation


    • Centro Dandara de Promotoras Legais Populares

    • Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental (FMCJS)

    • Gestos (soropositividade, comunicação, gênero)

    • Institute for Social and Economics Studies- INESC

    • Instituto Maíra

    • Instituto Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul (Instituto Pacs)

    • Pastoral Operária Nacional

    • Rede Jubileu Sul Brasil

    • Serviço Franciscano De Solidariedade (SEFRAS)

    • SOS Amazonia Fridays For Future


    • International Youth Alliance


    • Civic Initiative for Environment and Sustainable Development

    Cabo Berde

    • Ecofeminism Movement


    • Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN)

    • Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)

    • Association Actions Vitales pour le Développement Durable [AVD]

    • Association de femmes Elat-Meyong

    • Cadire Cameroon Association 


    • Grandmothers Advocacy Network

    • KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives

    • ReFocus Consulting


    • Organisation Tchadienne Anti-Corruption (OTAC)


    • Alianza Colombiana por la Salud Alimentaria

    • Asociación Colombiana de Economistas Negras- Asoman Cambiada

    • Asociación Colombiana de Educación al Consumidor

    • Corporación de Educación de investigación Intercultural para los Pueblos (CEIP)

    • Enda Colombia

    • Hortiaroma Chiguata 

    • Proceso de Comunidades Negras

    • REPEM Colombia

    Côte d'Ivoire

    • L’initiative de la Société Civile pour les Objectifs du Développement Durable (ISC/ODD-CI)


    • Centro Martin Luther King

    Czech Republic

    • Ekumenická akademie (Ecumenical Academy) 

    • Česko proti chudobě a nerovnostem (Czechia Against Poverty and Inequality)

    Democratic Republic of Congo

    • Actions pour la Réinsertion Sociale de la Femme (ARSF)

    • ATTAC-Congo

    • CADTM - Labumbashi 

    • CARITAS Congo

    • Centre D'etudes Et D'initiatives Pour Un Developpement Integral " CEIDEI"

    • Coalition Congolaise Pour La Promotion Des Nouvelles Technologie De L'Information Et De La Communication (CPNTICS) 

    • Conseil des Facilita tueurs des Pays des Grands Lacs (CFGL)

    • Construisons Ensemble le Monde 

    • Initiatives des Femmes en Situations Difficiles pour le Développement Durable et Intégré (IFESIDDI)

    Dominican Republic

    • Instituto de Desarrollo de la Economía Asociativa (IDEAC)


    • Gatef

    El Salvador

    • CESTA Amigos de la Tierra

    • Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD)

    • RACDES 

    • Servicios Ecumenicos Para Reconciliacion Y Reconstruccion Y SIGLO XXIII


    • Accion Ecologica

    • Agencia Bolivariana de Prensa (ABP) 

    • Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM) 

    • Instituto de Estudios Ecologistas del Tercer Mundo 

    • Opción Humanista


    • Alliance for Future Generations

    • Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality

    • Rainbow Pride Foundation

    • Talanoa Consulting


    • Adéquations

    • Attac France

    • CADTM France

    • Plateforme Française Dette & Développement (PFDD)


    • Worldview The Gambia


    • (Jubilee Germany) 

    • Fridays for Future (FFF- Germany)

    • urgewald


    • Abibinsroma Foundation

    • Apostolic Ministerial International Network 

    • Centre for Muslim Youth In Peace And Development

    • Vivian Akori Foundation


    • Debt Free / Advanced Media Organization

    • Hellenic Platform for Development 

    • Organization Earth




    • Organisation Guinéenne des Droits et Devoirs du Citoyen - OGDDC

    • Plateforme d'information et d'Action sur la Dette et le Développement (PIADD- Guinée)

    • Plateforme Nationale des Citoyens Unis pour le Développement (PCUD) 

    • Réseau National des Acteurs du Développement Durable (RENADE)


    • PAPDA

    • Plataforma Haitiana para un Desarrollo Alternativo

    • RASIN Kàn Pèp La


    • Totalmente en Apoyo a Esta Iniciativa 


    • DemNet Hungary

    • Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation

    • National Society of Conservationists - Friends of the Earth Hungary


    • Aksi for Gender, Social and Ecological Justice (AKSI!)

    • Alghifari Law Office and Research

    • All-India Women Hawkers Federation (AIWHF)

    • Association For Promotion Sustainable Development

    • Citizens Forum for Mangalore Development 

    • Collective for Economic Justice

    • debtWATCH Indonesia

    • Emigrants Welfare Forum (EWF)

    • Encep Sopian (Sapar)

    • Environics Trust

    • Forum for Justice and Peace 

    • Foundation for Sustainable Development and Climate Action

    • Growthwatch 

    • H.doif

    • Himalaya Niti Abhiyan (HNA)

    • Holy Spirit Foundation Trust

    • Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF)

    • Indian Women Theologians' Forum 

    • Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ)

    • Indowater Cop

    • Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)

    • Karavali Karnataka Janabhivridhi Vedike 

    • Koalisi Rakyat Untuk Hak Atas Air (KRuHA) / People’s Coalition to the Right to Water

    • Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra

    • Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan Sedane

    • Migrant Forum

    • mines,minerals & PEOPLE (mm&P)

    • Nadi Ghati Morcha

    • National Domestic Workers Movement

    • National Hawkers Federation (NHF)

    • People for Himalayan Development

    • Perhimpunan Hanjuang Mahardika Nusantara (PHMN)

    • Perkumpulan Inisiatif 

    • Persatuan Perjuangan Nelayan (PPN)

    • Prantajan

    • Pravasi Mithra Labour Union (PMLU)

    • Progressive Plantation Workers Union (PPWU)

    • Samsya Kya Hai

    • Sawit Watch 

    • Serikat Nelayan Indonesia (SNI-Indonesia Fisherfolk Union)

    • Serikat Perempuan Sunggal (SPS)

    • Solidaritas Perempuan (Women's Solidarity for Human Rights)

    • Suluh Muda Indonesia - North Sumatra

    • Tamilnadu Domestic Workers Welfare Trust

    • Trend Asia 

    • Tripla Difesa Onlus International No Violence -India

    • Van Adhikar evam Vikas Sangthan

    • Vindhya Hawkers Union

    • Women Solidarity

    • Yayasan Bintang Gana, Bali

    • Yayasan Perlindungan Insani Indonesia

    • Yayasan Satu Keadilan


    • @gayofiraq


    • Centre for Global Education

    • Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, Dublin


    • Yedidia Consulting Services 


    • Effe Rivista Femminista

    • Federation Italian Catholic Organisations for International Volunteering Service ( FOCSIV)

    • GCAP Italy

    • LINK 2007

    • Tripla Difesa Onlus international no violence -Italy


    • Jamaica Network of Rural Women Producers 


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Dazaifu)

    • Friends of the Earth (FOE-Japan) 

    • Japan


    • North Star NGO 


    • Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center

    • Emonyo Yefwe International

    • Forum for Women in Development, Democracy and Justice

    • Haki Jamii Rights Centre


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Lebanon) 

    • Friends of the Disabled Association 

    • National Union on Intellectual Disability


    • Policy Analysis And Research Institute of Lesotho


    • Center for Peace Building and Democracy in Liberia

    • National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL)


    • Liberty 32 


    • Actionaid Malawi 


    • Charles Santiago, MP

    • Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization

    • Sahabat Alam Malaysia - Friends of the Earth Malaysia


    • Association des Jeunes pour le Développement des Communes (AJDC-Mali)

    • CAD MALI

    • Coalition Malienne Gouvernance Inclusive et Développement Durable(CMGIDD)


    • Dinamismo Juvenil A.C

    • Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A.C (MEXFAM)

    • La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental (LAVIDA - México)

    • Ninguna

    • Otros Mundos AC/Chiapas


    • Mongolian Institute of Sustainable Development Strategy

    • Oyu Tolgoi Watch


    • Center For Public Integrity

    • Centro para Democracia e Desenvolvimento 

    • Fórum de Monitoria do Orcamento (FMO)


    • Change Maker

    • Justice for All Law Firm

    • Myanmar Human Rights Alliances Network (MHRAN)


    • All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPFa)

    • All Nepal Women's Association (ANWA)

    • Alliance of Foreign Aid Network , Nepal

    • Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC) Nepal

    • Campaign for Climate Justice Network, Nepal (CCJN)

    • Digo Bikas Institute

    • Fight Inequality Nepal

    • Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Network, Nepal

    • Human Rights Alliance Nepal

    • Jagaran nepal

    • Krishna M. Gautam

    • National Alliance for Human Rights And Social Justice Nepal

    • National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal

    • Nepal Agriculture Labour Organization

    • Nepal Dalit and Landless Peasants' Association

    • Nepal Development Initiation

    • Nepal Youth Peasants Organization

    • NGO Federation of Nepal

    • Power Shift Nepal 

    • Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee

    • Right to Food National Network, Nepal

    • Rural Area Development Programme (RADP)

    • Rural Reconstruction Nepal

    • Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance-Nepal

    • Women Empowerment Against Poverty of Nepal (WEAPoN)

    • Women Network for Energy and Environment 

    • Women Peasants' Association, Nepal

    • Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC)


    • Recourse

    • Wemos 


    • Asociación para el Desarrollo Inti Pachamama

    • Cedecam/Latindadd

    • Centro de los Derechos del Campesino 

    • Intipachamama

    • Red Nicaragüense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC)


    • CCOAD

    • Réseau des Organisations du Secteur Educatif du Niger (ROSEN)


    • Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust -Nigeria

    • Africa Youth Empowerment in Agriculture and Industrial Development Initiatives 

    • Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research

    • Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre 

    • Community Emergency Response Initiative (CERI) 

    • Murna Foundation

    • Noble Delta Women for Peace and Development


    • Changemaker 

    • Debt Justice Norway

    • FOKUS-Forum for Women and Development

    • Norwegian Church Aid

    • Y Global 


    • Al-Haq 

    • Aurat Foundation - Karachi 

    • Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt (CADTM-Pakistan) 

    • Haqooq Khalq Movement (Peoples Rights Movement) Pakistan

    • Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. Media Freedom Forum

    • Institute for Social and Economic Justice

    • National Trade union Federation

    • Pakistan Development Alliance

    • Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF)

    • Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee

    • Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization

    • Social Uplift of Nowshera -Pakistan

    • Youth Vision Society


    • Centro de la Mujer Panameña (CEMP)

    • Colectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC

    • Red de Mujeres Afrodescendientes de Panamá (REMAP)


    • Cedro 

    • Chirapaq, Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú

    • Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres Macro Norte Perú

    • Red de Economía Solidaria de la Macro Región Nor Oriental ( RESNOR)

    • Red Internacional de Estudiantes por la Paz 

    • Zero Hour Peru


    • Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM)

    • Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines. for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission (AMRSP-JPICC)

    • Association of Transgender People in the Philippines (ATP) 

    • Bohol Association of Non-Government Organizations, Inc. (BANGON)

    • Bohol Integrated Development Foundation, Inc

    • Bukluran Students' Alliance- Integrated Students' Organization

    • Cebuano Youth Ambassadors Inc (Gaynitiative.Ph) 

    • Eastern Visayas Network of NGOs and POs

    • Ecological Justice Interfaith Movement (ECOJIM)

    • Fellowship for the Care of Creation Association Inc. (FCCAI)

    • Franciscans Solidarity Movement for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (FSM - JPIC)

    • Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

    • Freedom from Debt Coalition-Southern Mindanao

    • Gitib, Inc.

    • Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM -Pilipinas)

    • Iloilo Pride Team

    • Kabataan San Sidlangan, Inc. 

    • Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment (Kalikasan PNE)

    • Kanlungan Center Foundation Inc.

    • Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya (KILUSAN)

    • Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-FoE Philippines 


    • Makabayan Pilipinas

    • MARCELA 

    • Medical Action Group, Inc.

    • Mujer-LGBT Organization, Inc. 

    • Order of Friars Minor for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (OFM- JPIC)

    • Oriang Women's Movement

    • Oriang Women’s Movement - Tacloban

    • Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan (Kaisa Ka)

    • Partnership Mission for People's Initiatives/PMPI (former Phil. Misereor Partnership Inc.)

    • Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)

    • Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ)

    • Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM) 

    • Samahan ng Progresibong Kabataan 


    • Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP) 

    • Stewards and Volunteers for the Earth (SAVE Philippines!) 

    • Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)

    • TFHI, Inc

    • Unlad Kabayan Migrant Services Fdn.

    • Weform

    • Women's Development Center (WDC)

    • Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP) 

    • Youth Against Debt - Eastern Visayas Chapter

    • Youth for Climate Justice (Y4CJ)

    • Youth Voices Count, Inc. 

    • Pilipinas 


    • Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO)


    • Oikos - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento 

    • Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD 

    Puerto Rico

    • Comuna Caribe

    Republic of Moldova

    • Gender-Centru 


    • Fridays For Future (FFF-Romania)


    • Friends of the Siberian Forests 


    • GCAP Rwanda Coalition


    • Samoa Family Health Association


    • GRAP Senegal

    • ONG HELP AFRIQUE: Horizon d'Échange et de Lutte contre la Pauvreté en Afrique

    • OXFAM Sénéga


    • Društvo Bodi svetloba

    • EnaBanda Association

    • Povod Institute for Culture and Development of International Relations in Culture

    South Africa

    • Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC)

    • Division for Lifelong Learning Department - University of West Cape 

    • groundWork, Friends of the Earth, South Africa


    • Asociación Por Ti Mujer 

    • Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda en Sanidad (Audita Sanidad) 

    • Cooperativa La Fabrica Catalunya (Peninsula Iberica) 

    • Coordinadora de ONG para el Desarrollo-España

    • ELA (Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna/Basque Workers Solidarity)

    • Medicusmundi

    • Observatori del deute en la Globalització (ODG Catalonia)

    • Plataforma Auditoría Ciudadana de la Deuda

    Sri Lanka

    • Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ)

    • Free Trade Union Development Center - Sri Lanka

    • Nalini Ratnarajah

    • Sri Lanka UN Friendship Organisation (SUNFO)

    • Sustainable Development Goals Women's Platform of Sri Lanka (SDGWFSL)

    • Women Development Innovators 


    • Swiss Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign (KEESA) 


    • ActionAid Tanzania


    • BUKU Thailand


    • Amis des Étrangers au Togo (ADET)


    • Tonga Leitis Association

    Trinidad and Tobago

    • Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago


    • Al Warcha Mediatic for Economic and Social Rights 

    • Association Jeunes Actifs et Positifs 


    • Red Pepper Association


    • Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) 

    • Africa Intercultural Development Support Trust -Uganda

    • Centre for citizens Conserving (CECIC)

    • Hesawa Foundation (HEFO) 

    • Queer Youth Uganda 

    • Regional Center for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC)

    • SEATINI-Uganda

    • Sugur Development Agency (SUDA)

    • Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

    • Uganda Debt Network

    United Kingdom

    • Church Action for Tax Justice

    • Commission for a Gender Equal Economy

    • Divest Strathclyde Scotland

    • Fresh Eyes

    • Glasgow Calls Out Polluters

    • Global Justice Manchester

    • Global Justice Now

    • Heartpolitics 

    • Jubilee Debt Campaign 

    • Jubilee Debt Campaign, Manchester 

    • Jubilee Scotland

    • LiveSimply, Harpenden

    • Social Justice Group, Holy Innocents' Church, Fallowfield, Diocese of Manchester 

    • Stamp Out Poverty 

    • War on Want 

    United States of America

    • Action Corps

    • ActionAid USA

    • Amazon Watch 

    • American TelePhysicians

    • Blue Ridge Impact Consulting 

    • FracTracker Alliance

    • Rainforest Action Network (RAN)

    • Rocky Mountain Public Banking Institute

    • Sierra Club 

    • Sisters of Charity Federation

    • Small Planet Institute


    • Coalición de Tendencias Clasistas (CTC-VZLA)

    • MPI 




    • ActionAid Zambia

    • Civil Society SDGs Campaign/GCAP Zambia

    • Oxfam Zambia

    • Planned Governance Network

    • Senior Citizens Association of Zambia


    • Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development