Now more than ever, our demands for climate finance should resound everywhere--from the streets of Glasgow all the way to virtual spaces like Twitter. Wealthy countries must meet their obligations for urgent delivery of climate finance as part of their fair shares of climate actions and reparations for the huge climate debt owed to the Global South!
People and communities worldwide and especially in the Global South are grappling with worsening climate impacts, and we have a small window of time left to stop climate catastrophe. The amount of climate finance delivered remains insignificant compared to the $100 billion a year promised by governments of the Global North in 2009 and repeated again in 2015. The public subsidies they provide for fossil fuels are several times more than what they have given for climate finance. This $100 billion is in fact a fraction of the amount of actual needs and requirements to meet their fair shares and obligations.
How to join the Twitter Storm
1. Tweet the photo below (downloadable at
2. Feel free to use any of these captions:
No more delays, no more deception! We need new and additional, public, non-debt-creating, climate finance for urgent and climate action snow! #ClimateFinanceNOW
$100 Billion per year is not enough! We need commitments with clear timelines and actual delivery of obligations for several times more of climate finance! #100BIsNotEnough #ClimateFinanceNOW
Rich industrialized countries must meet their climate finance obligations as part of their fair shares of climate action and reparations for the huge climate debt owed to the Global South ! #ReparationsForClimateDebt
Rich industrialized countries must cover the costs of loss and damages in the Global South! They are accountable for the bulk of the historical and continuing GHG emissions and must pay reparations! #LossAndDamageFundNow
Climate finance for adaptation should have equal priority! People and communities are already suffering from devastating impacts and face even more horrific conditions before the climate problem is resolved #PrioritizeAdaptationToo
3. Add the hashtags #ClimateFinanceNOW and #ReparationsForClimateDebt to your tweets
4. Tag the following Twitter accounts and handles:
- @AntonioGuterres
- @PEspinosaC
- @COP26UK
- @BorisJohnson
- @AlokSharma_RDG
- @ClimateEnvoy
- @theGCF
- @timmermansEU
- @ScottMorrisonMP
- @JustinTrudeau
- @GermanyDiplo
- @EmmanuelMacron
- @Zaheer_Fakier
- @FarhanaClimate
- @TheCVF
- @kenofl
- @archieyounguk
- @charlieogilvie
- @AOSISChair
- @V20Group
- @VSinkevicius
- @EUClimateAction
- @ManjeetDhakal
Note: you may tag these handles using Twitter’s photo tag function or as a reply in your earlier tweet. If there is enough space, you may also include them in the main tweet!
5. Tweet as many as you can and invite friends and colleagues to do the same between 1:00-2:30PM Glasgow time or at these times:
- 1:00 - 2:30 PM Glasgow Time
- 2:00 - 3:30 PM Central European Time
- 5:00 - 6:30 PM Pakistan Time
- 5:45 - 7:15 PM Nepal Time
- 6:00 - 7:30 PM Bangladesh Time
- 6:30 - 8:00 PM India Time
- 7:00 - 8:30 PM Thailand and Jakarta Time
- 8:00 - 9:30 PM Philippine Time
- 9:00 - 10:30 PM Japan and Korea Time
The goal is to make #ClimateFinanceNOW and #ReparationsForClimateDebt trend on twitter and put pressure on all governments of the Global North to act and deliver their long overdue financial obligations to the Global South!

Wednesday3 November 2021
End Date:
Wednesday3 November 2021
- Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)