Despite the steep rise in privately-held public debts, the debt relief offered by the G20 and rich countries–the Debt Service Suspension Initiative and the Common Framework– lacked binding commitment to include these in the initiative. As lenders and as borrowers, the private sector plays an integral part in the current debt architecture. What does this mean to debt justice campaigners pursuing system-changing solutions and deep, wide debt cancellation? Do they generate illegitimate debts? What steps do we need to take?
Join the discussion: 'Public Burden, Private Gain: Debt "relief" from Private Lenders', 21 June 2022, 8am UTC / 4pm PST
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Tuesday21 June 2022
12:00 AM
End Date:
Tuesday21 June 2022
02:00 AM
Organized by:
- Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development